

芬蘭專利規費調漲 生效日2024年1月1日

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office published an increase in official fees for patents and utility models effective January 1, 2024. No advance notice was provided. All patent and utility model fees, due on/after January 1, 2024, will incur the new rates. Patent and utility model fees due prior to January 1, 2024 will still be payable at the current rate.

Patent Annual fees

Fee year

Price (€)

1st year


2nd year


3rd year

EUR 135

4th year

EUR 160

5th year

EUR 210

6th year

EUR 240

7th year

EUR 270

8th year

EUR 320

9th year

EUR 375

10th year

EUR 430

11th year

EUR 480

12th year

EUR 535

13th year

EUR 590

14th year

EUR 640

15th year

EUR 700

16th year

EUR 750

17th year

EUR 800

18th year

EUR 860

19th year

EUR 910

20th year

EUR 965

An annual fee that is paid after the due date, as referred to in section 41(3) or 42(3) of the Finnish Patents Act, must be paid plus 20%.


Utility models Renewal fees

*Renewal of registration for four years €300

Additional fee (if you pay the renewal fee after the due date) €60

*Renewal of registration for two years €250

Additional fee (if you pay the renewal fee after the due date) €60

Fee year

Price (€)


EUR 300


EUR 300


EUR 250